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52 MW

Hybrid (Wind + Solar) India’s fastest Group Captive Hybrid project in the history of renewable energy in India within 4 Months only.

Hybrid Energy

As solar and wind power now make up a significant portion of the energy mix, variability in their generation has become a worry in the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources. Due to the complimentary nature of their generating profiles—wind and solar power can be more powerful at night, while solar power is more powerful during the day—hybridization of wind and solar power plants is creating a solution that will lessen this fluctuation.

The intermittency problem would be eliminated by hybrid projects, which would also have far higher capacity utilization. Another advantage of such projects is that the expenses of sharing transmission lines are decreased. It is anticipated that peak balancing via shifting gas and hydro power, demand management, smarter grids, electric vehicles, and storage options like batteries and pumped hydro would further aid in mitigating the fluctuation brought on by the nature of renewable energy sources.


Significant Projects

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Neknam, Gujarat

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52 MW

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Sutrapada, Gujarat

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85 MW